Back to Winnipeg

These are pictures of Winnipeg - the city that I get to go back to tomorrow! People are often surprised at just how much I enjoy living in Winnipeg. I can't fully explain why I do, but it must be a God thing. It might be a little tough to leave home tomorrow, but i'm going back to my other home and that is exciting too! I am not sure how long it is going to be until I can post again. I am going to try and set up internet for the apartment, but not sure as of yet. If i don't, i will have internet access at the Uni. Take care everyone and i'll be in touch once i get back online.
Good Bye to Clipper Athletics
This is my formal goodbye to Clipper Athletics. The athletic department was my "home" for the last 8 months, and although it had it's ups and definately it's share of downs, I am sad to see it end.So, thank you to Clipper Athletics and brining a dream to reality! It was definately a pleasure and an experience i won't forget!
A Quote by Plato
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something"
I had a very busy weekend. On Friday, the "show" i went to see with my friends in Regina was actually High Impact Wrestling. That's right, i am a professional wrestling fan. I have been for years - i just don't have much opportunity anymore to watch it on a regular basis. Anyways, the show was great fun and it was so nice to be able to spend it with friends that i had not seen in quite some time.On Saturday, my dad and i began the process of paint bombing my car - we bought out all the certain type of paint we needed from Canadian Tire, and it looks like we are going to need more. So, when my parents go through Regina today on their way to their holiday spot, he'll look for more needed paint. The car is coming along nicely overall - it just needs to look all the same which is going to be the tricky thing.Sunday - went to "The Farm". My aunt and uncle were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary with a big party out at their farm. I call it "The Farm" because it's the only farm left on either side of my family. It's really too bad that i am not a farm person because they really have a beautiful location - a huge pond, and over 1600 acres of land. I was the youngest person at this family gathering, but that's alright. It was great to see people that i had not seen in years.It was a good weekend, but definately not enough sleep or weekend isn't looking too good for that either :)
A Somewhat Turn Around
After a few very uncertain days, I can report that things are begining to turn around - not everything is solved, but for now it is definately back on more solid ground and not feeling like it is going to crumble down around me.I have recieved 100% confirmation that barring me flunking all my courses this next year, i will be graduating - this past week there was doubts about if i would get into one of the courses that i absolutely needed to take in order to graduate, and i found out yesterday that i did indeed get into the course! This weekend is going to be interesting and fun. Tonight i am off to Regina with friends for dinner and a "show"(i'll explain later), Saturday i get to babysit for kids that i have been babysitting off and on for years - i love hanging out with them, and then on Sunday, i am off to my aunt and uncle's farm for their 25th wedding anniversary party. It will be great to see relatives i have not seen since before leaving for England!Have a great weekend everyone! Karen, i hope your move back to Luton goes as smoothly as possible. I hope your transition into St.Hughes goes excellantly!!
Don't know quite how to start or even how to phrase what is on my heart and mind right now. I think i may have messed something up when i should have left it completely alone. I don't know right now if it will be alright or even if it is repairable. I haven't been in this sort of situation in a long time, and to be honest, i don't like it at all - uncertainty and tears are something i do have experience with aplenty, but not like this. I am trusting God to work through this in me and that it will be a lesson worth learning even if i don't see it as such right now.
9 more work days! It's hard to believe that i am now into single digits of work days remaining. It definately feels good - 8 months has come down to 12 days left at home! At work, i am begining the evaluation process and office clean up process - which is easier said than done after working some where for 3/4 of a year (as some of you know). It is definately going to be a time of reflection and mixed emotions - as much as i look forward to leaving and getting back to Winnipeg, i'm leaving people here who have now become a big part of my life too.
Camp is Done!
WOOHOO!!! I am done with Clipper Camps 2006 - only 9 more works days to go!! Can you tell I am a little excited? I don't think i've been more excited to see something end that I have been to see the end of camps. Don't get me wrong, I greatly enjoyed camps for the most part, but i'm exhausted, and i need to relax, and get back on to an even balanced schedule. I'm not doing anything this weekend that I don't want to do! I have an empty house for the long weekend, and i am going to take full advantage of this. My blogger account is still being silly, so once i am able to upload pictures of basketball camp and volleyball camp, i shall do so.I need to say Congratulations to Selina and Steve in England - they got married today! I hope you had a lovely day - for those of you who were able to attend the wedding, please send pictures when possible.
Almost Done!
I shall post pictures of boy's basketball camp once my cd with those pictures turns up once again from being misplaced.Volleyball camp this week is going along amazingly smooth and with little stress as possible. However, it hasn't stopped me from feeling exhausted this week either. How did i ever survive 8 weeks of camps last summer at Camp Arnes when i'm having trouble making it just through 3 weeks of camps here. I know why this summer is so different is because it's a sports camp and 3 very different people have ran each camp the way they see fit to. I am definately looking forward to the weekend because it is a long weekend and i shall be able to sleep - plus i have an empty house to myself all weekend!17 more days until i move back to Winnipeg - i'm getting definately excited for many reasons!