The J-Man Files

Thoughts from the mind of what some people call a crazy canadian girl.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Today in my Organizational Management class we were talking about ethics and our moral points of view - what drives us to make the decisions that we do and why we make these decisions; and how our moral points of view shape us as leaders and how we lead those who work for and under us. My teacher said an interesting quote by Socrates to start us off thinking on this whole topic of moral points of view "An unexamined life is not worth living". I thought it was a very good quote because it pertains to so many aspects of life, and not just to my job as a leader/manager, but over into my relationships with friends, family and my relationship with God especially. Do any of you agree with that statement made a 1000 years or more ago?
"An unexamined life is not worth living"...some food for thought.


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