Moving along

The 99 day count down to the wedding has begun! The last month has been really busy. I am now full time at my job and it's good to finally be around my work place 5 days a week - it's easier to keep on top of things day to day, but of course there is also more stuff to keep up with! We still haven't solidified a place to live in, nor do i have a concrete moving date on my calender circled - i'm still waiting to hear about what is happening with someone else's living arrangements before i can make any more plans on that front. Wedding plans are coming along great. We have decided on a cake, flowers, wedding invitations have begun to be made, and we have decided on wedding vows, music and a special reading. My sister kara's wedding is next weekend, and then it'll be one down and one more to go in my family. Next week is going to be busy for me because i leave for Caronport on Thursday and am not back in the office until the Tuesday(5th) and then on Thursday (7th), it is my university graduation! So, i have short work weeks for the next 2 weeks in a row on top of the long weekend we just had. I hope everyone is able to enjoy the "spring" - it snowed here this morning!