Meeting the Parents
This weekend, my parents came to visit my sister and myself. For Kara, the purpose of their visit was so that she could go wedding dress shopping with mom - she was successful, but that is a whole different story for another time. For me, the purpose of their visit was so that they could meet Derek for the first time. Overall, it was a very successful first introduction, and i think first impressions on both sides were very well. Derek handled himself very well with my parents - they are looking forward to getting to know him better! Overall, life is busy right now and always eventful. i wouldn't mind if things slowed down a little for me, but i really can't complain overall. I'll write more in a little while.

A nice picture and a crazy picture! The nice picture was taken yesterday after we got back from our trip to see Derek's daughter Brandi - who by the way is one of the cutest kids ever! And the crazy picture was taken at the airport like the picture below. Back to the trip to see Brandi - it went really well. We got to spend a couple of hours with her on Saturday afternoon after a glitch or two before we were able to see her - Brandi's mom wouldn't let Derek and I take her somewhere for a little while on our own so we had to play with her outside around grandma's house. It was definately an interesting experience for me to say the least. However, Brandi is absolutely adorable! For me, being able to see Derek interacting with Brandi for the first time revealled another whole new dimension of his character to me. He is absolutely fantastic with her. On other news, i no longer feel like dying, but i am still feeling a little ill. Midterm exams are coming up soon and i need to start studying for them. I also have a paper due next week which i haven't even begun to think of a topic for - i think it's an assigned topic, but i still haven't started the research. I'm working the next 5 days in a row, so i'm really hoping that i feel well enough to get through them - i missed 3 days last week already due to being so sick. Well, i guess i better get going because my day has officially started! Have a good one everybody!
Hello All. I just wanted to finally post a picture of Derek and myself. This was taken on Tuesday while we were at the airport waiting for someone's flight to arrive. So yes, a very recent picture of the two of us. Now, i am off to get myself packed and ready for my trip to meet Derek's daughter. Have a great weekend!
Death Wish
Pain. Lots and lots of pain is how i would describe my life right now. Right after thanksgiving dinner, pain hit with a vengance and it has not left me since. I've missed work and i've missed some classes this week. Thankfully and praise the Lord for this, my boyfriend's mom is a nurse and a paramedic to boot! She has been taking care of me over the last few days and it's been so nice to have someone around to look after me - Derek is great at it too, but there's something about a mom like figure around to take care of you. This weekend i am off on a road trip to meet Derek's daughter Brandi. If i'm not feeling well still, then i won't go, but if i'm feeling good then it's off for a long drive. I'm not overly nervous to meet her, but it's going to be an interesting experience. Please pray that we have a good trip and a good visit.
Happy Thanksgiving
Just wanted to say a quick Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. I hope everyone has had a great weekend - even you British who do not have Thanksgiving and a turkey day. I am currently at my boyfriend Derek's house cooking turkey dinner for his family. So far it is smelling pretty good, but smell doesn't really mean it'll taste any good :) Have a great week everyone!!
Hello one and all! How is everyone enjoying their first few weeks of the offical season of fall? It is beautiful here in Winnipeg right now with all the leaves changing color - i love fall just because of the variety of colors that occur throughout the next little while. They are so vivid!Things for me over the past two weeks are going great. It is the Thanksgiving holiday here this coming weekend and i'm cooking a turkey and doing a pumpkin pie! I can hardly wait. Derek's mom (my boyfriend's mom) is getting married on November 17th and i'm going to be her maid of honor! I was a little stunned that she asked me to be her attendant because we haven't known one another too long. We went shopping for dresses though and mine looks fantastic! I'm so excited for it. Derek is going to be the best man and he has to wear a tuxedo - is it just me or do you ladies agree that any guy looks amazing in a tux?!? I'm very excited to see him all dressed up. I will try and post a picture of my dress eventually.Work overall is going well and keeping me busy. I do get most of the weekend off though which is really nice, and i only have to work the sunday 4-7pm shift all long weekend. Have a good one people in whatever you're doing!!