Another Camp

Boy's Basketball Camp has begun in all of it's sweaty and stinky glory. We officially have 110 boys registered for camp, which is great. However, 110 boys in a +35 degree gym that doesn't have air conditioning is not going to be always pleasent. It was even hotter in my office because it is on the second floor and hot air rises. The joke amoung the coaching staff was that they had lost 10 pounds that afternoon just from sweating so much.
Boy's camp i think is going to be super busy for me, but also a lot of fun. I am one of 2 girls working camp this week and the rest are all male. They seem to be a pretty good bunch of guys though. Please pray once again this week for no injuries, and for patience for me as i direct the traffic of schedules, meals, snacks, running the camp store and keeping on top of all the paper work!
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